Recently I started taking a look at the Amethyst game engine.
What intrigues me most about Amethyst is that it’s programming
language is rust.
Rust has also piqued my interest lately. I’ve been working mostly in
C/C++ to make my video games. Using a homegrown game engine I created that
mimics unity’s Entity/Component patterns. While it’s fun knowing the in’s
and out’s of my engine completely. Lately I’ve found I was also spending
a good amount of time fighting pointers and chasing down core dumps.
Hopefully Rust should help alleviate these issues, so I can spend more
time on the game. Rusts website: https://www.rust-lang.org/
With my new interest in Rust, I was looking for a game engine in Rust.
I found Amethyst. https://amethyst.rs/ I just started in Amethyst, and
I’m only half way through their Pong tutorial, but so far I’m liking it.
Of course being new to Rust and to Amethyst, I’m not sure I understand
everything that’s going on yet, but it’s fun.